Tuesday, May 10, 2011

At 4:30am, these are the last words you want to hear.....

"Ma'am, you're at the wrong airport"..... Last weekend I was taking a much needed trip up to Chicago to see my friend Sarah who I haven't seen since Aug. when I moved back to the U.S from S. Korea. Of course, I waited til the last possible moment to book the trip. I wanted to ensure that I had as few as possible flights to choose from and I wanted to choose them at maximum price. Makes sense right! Anyway, I procrastinated and wasn't even sure if I could get a flight that would fit my schedule; so when I found one I just booked it right away and did it without paying too close attention to the MAJOR details of the flight.

The day of the flight I wake up at 3:30am and thankfully I am  lucky enough to have a wonderful boyfriend that supports my insane decisions to book a 6am flight. We rush around like crazy people to get my last minute packing completed and jump in the car to go to the airport. At this point, I haven't looked at my flight itinerary since I booked it and I just know in my mind that I am flying out of IAH. I mean really, why would I book a 6am flight leaving from Hobby Airport? That doesn't make sense, right ?!?! Drew drops me off, I get my luggage, and head in to check my bags. I can only think 2 things at this point... 1. I am so tired. 2. I can't wait to see Sarah! First thing the man at the counter says to me is, "What do you have planned for Miami?" I guess for most this would be a red flag, but not for this sleepy head. I said, oh no sir... I'm going to Chicago via DFW. And then....dun..dun...dun....he says it, " Um ma'am, you're at the wrong airport."

My obvious response is that it is clearly too early for jokes as I stare at him with a look that shows I'm not interested in his morning humor. The guy on the check in computer next to him is cracking up at this point. I would say a good 3 minutes pass before I realize that this man is not joking and that I had actually made a giant, awful, embarrassing mistake. At this point, it is almost 5am and my flight is scheduled to leave at 6am. There is no way that Drew would make it back in time and get me to Hobby in time to catch my flight. Long story short, I was able to pay a small fee have my flight changed and leave out of IAH an hour later. Whew, glad that worked down so I didn't have to make that poor attendant man endure my meltdown.